* I live in New York, NY and Bloomington, IL (yes - these two cities are about 850 miles apart - so I'm on airplanes twice almost every week)
* I'm a software architect and developer, specializing in Enterprise Application Integration and Services Oriented Architectures (which means in English that I make heterogeneous computer systems talk to one another at large companies)
* I work for STA Group, and I spend most of my time serving a Fortune 500 financial services company
* I'm a volunteer and board member for Hazon, and I'm the pro-bono webmaster & CTO for www.hazon.org
* I'm in the middle of doing a few minor and majorish renovations in my pre-war apartment
* I like road-biking, hiking, swimming, boating, reading, and learning about various religions - particularly Judaism
* I'm a Harry Potter and Star Trek junky.